
Choose from our extensive variety of Tallitot, Tallit Katan and Tzitzit, from traditional wool to contemporary colorful designs - all fully Kosher certified.

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Showing 1-32 out of 569 items

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If you are here looking to buy a Tallit...

If you are here, looking to buy a Tallit, let us make your shopping an enjoyable experience. Basic facts you probably know already: the source for wearing a Tallit is a Torah commandment. A Tallit Katan is a small over-garment worn throughout the day and Tallit Gadol is the shawl garment worn during daily prayers, usually from marriage but many begin at bar mitzvah too.

Why buy at aJudaica?

Because you will find on our website a tremendous choice of colors, fabrics and designs in traditional and contemporary, classic and luxurious styles – all at competitive prices. We work only with leading designers and well-known companies with experience and expertise. When you buy a Tallit from aJudaica, you don’t have to worry about Kashrut. All our tzitzit are certified kosher. Finally, the superb aJudaica service assures you complete satisfaction. Indeed, the vast majority of our customers are buying for the second time and more – a statistic that speaks worlds about our integrity and the quality of our service.

Why are Amazon Tallit prices cheaper?

Of course, you can find an Amazon tallit at a cheaper price. But remember - most of aJudaica's Tallitot are made in Israel by Jewish hands – a great asset when we are talking about holy ritual items. Also, we are thoroughly familiar with every one of our products. The firm-as-a-rock aJudaica reputation is your best guarantee.

What do we offer for a Tallit Katan?

Start from the beginning… Following tradition, a child wears his first tallit katan (also called tallis koton) at the age of three. We offer a colorful lively selection with pictures children love – all made from hard-wearing cotton-polyester that mothers appreciate.

For the older child, teenager or adult, we have a brilliant innovation – a combined undershirt and tzitzit – great for those active kids. Made in Israel, they are fully kosher and come in a full range of sizes with various options to personalize your choice.

Another blessed innovation, enthusiastically welcomed by campers, hikers, and heat-sufferers, is our T-shirt with attached tzitzit. Popular year-round, there is a choice of colors and sizes. They are certified as 100% kosher and have the option of adding a blue techeilet thread.

For the traditional Jew, there remains a steady supply of the classic lightweight white wool Tallit Katan. You will find a choice: black stripes, traditional fringes, with or without attached tzitzit.

Why aJudaica for your Tallit Gadol?

For the modern Jew, looking for a contemporary style Tallit Gadol, our choice is a feast for the eyes. Revel in the rich colors, exquisite handwork and endless creativity of Yair Emanuel. Also popular with our world-wide customers is Galilee Silk, Ronit Gur and Gabrieli. Share our excitement with their range of colors and original designs that blend old and new, incorporating Jewish motifs and prayer words in their designs. Many offer an option for personalization by embroidering a name.

If you are looking for a feminine prayer shawl, you will find a large selection on our website, created in a wide choice of silk, nylon, organza fabrics and colorful artistic designs.

Should I add Tallit Bag to my Tallit purchase?

Definitely. A tallit bag will keep your shawl clean and protected. It is also an expression of respect for such a holy item. There are hundreds of Tallit Bags on our website – a fabulous choice of designs, fabrics and styles. Many come with matching smaller bags to hold your tefillin (prayer phylacteries). They can be personalized with the addition of a name, embroidered in Hebrew or English.

Add these Tallit words to your vocabulary

  • Tallit – called Tallis by Ashkenazi Jews. The equivalent plural is Tallitot or Talleisim.
  • Tzitzit (fringes) – called Tzitzis by Ashkenzi Jews. There are very specific requirements for preparing kosher tzitzit and this should only be done by someone well versed in the laws. Many tzitzit come with a Kashrut certificate
  • Techeilet or techeiles – the traditional blue thread added to the tzitzit. This is an optional addition for those who have the tradition.
  • Atarah – neckpiece (yoke) of the tallit that is placed on the head. This is often decorated with words from the Tallit blessing
  • Brachah – blessing. A special blessing is recited when donning the tallit. Words from this blessing are often embroidered in Hebrew on the atarah

Wear your uniform with pride

Whether you are buying a tallit katan or a tallit gadol, we are confident that aJudaica will help you wear your "Jewish uniform" with pride and joy. We thank you for giving us your trust.

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